
THe GCBS works together with many international institutions, for example the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, Zentrum für Buddhismuskunde, Hamburg, and the Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts (DILA), Taiwan. The GCBS and the Department of Languages and Cultures joined a large multidisciplinary project on East Asian religions initiated and headed by Prof. Chen Jinhua at the University of British Columbia, Canada: From The Ground Up: Buddhism & East Asian Religions. In 2017, the GCBS joined the Tianzhu academic network, a partnership that led to even more international collaboration. The Centre has additionally established bilateral agreements and Socrates programs with many institutions abroad.

Conferences and workshops

We organise and co-host conferences and workshops:

Visiting scholars

International scholars are welcome to conduct research at GCBS (for more on the relevant opportunities, see Join us section):


Our researchers conduct significant fieldword in the regions of their scholarly interest: